Hanfurefers pre-17thcentury traditional clothing HanChinese, predominantethnic group China.Hanfu encompasses all types traditionalclothing worn HanChinese ethnic group. HanChinese people. Hanfu Manchuinvaders 17thcentury, largelyunknown Chinatoday, except among vocalgroup peopleadvocating Chinesenational costume. History HanfuAccording Chinesetradition, Hanfu can keithtraced back YellowEmperor, greatsage king ancientChina whom legend says ruled 27thcentury BC. Hanfu itself has recordedhistory morethan 3000 years. HanChinese people from semi-legendary Xia Dynasty 21stcentury BC 16thcentury BC) all MingDynasty (1368-1644). traditionaldress manyAsian countries have been influenced Hanfu,especially those Korea.Hanfu HanChinese veryimportant part appropriatestyles importantpart courteousrefined behaviour. Confucius considered Hanfu veryimportant part Chineseceremony hisquotations contain references HanfuHanfu disappeared QingDynasty (1644-1911). QingDynasty HanChinese who form overwhelmingmajority Chinaproper, Manchus.Taking advantage politicalinstability frequentpopular rebellions convulsing China, highlyorganized military forces Manchusswept Mingcapital 1644(which itself had earlier fallen rebelforces under Li Zicheng), QingDynasty. Manchusforesaw wouldhave great difficulty ruling HanChinese, who outnumbered them vastly moresophisticated culture. Soon after Chinaproper, Manchusforced HanChinese men adoptManchu hairstyle Manchu-styleclothing.(Qipao enormousresistance policies,especially against braid,which required shaving entiretop front half head.(Chinese traditional dictated removinghair againstfilial piety because one received one´s hair from one´s parents.) Popular uprisings flaired up immediately, thosewere put down brutally. Up 50million Han Chinese people may have perished Manchuinvasion conquest.Enforcement swift,brutal, effective.Hanfu Manchu-styleclothing. Hanfu stillpermited women,however without traditionalsupport palace,women started replacing hanfuclothing wereinfluenced imperialcourt completlygone within Qingrule. After QingDynasty 1911,Manchu dress braiddisappeared quickly western-styledress. Today most Han Chinese wear western-style clothing, HanChinese clothing largelyunknown. Recent attempts Hanfuadvocates wearHanfu outdoors have provoked curious reactions from onlookers, many themmistaking Hanfu Japanesedress. However, vocalmovement reviveHan Chinese clothing Chinesenational custom. Description HanfuShenyi full-length, one-piece robe which links Changtogether wrapup cutseparately sewntogether. Shenyi namedbecause when deeplywrapped up”. Parts Shenyi:Jin: uppergarment Jiaoling Youren: “Crossed collars, tying standardcollar style bothmen women,always overlap rightside leftside. oppositeright-over- left style othernations burial.Qu: sleeve cuffs Mei: sleeves Chang: skirt Quju: skirt curvedhem formed fabricaround bodyLegend According firstruler Chinesenation Chinesepeople immemorialsage king called YellowEmperor. According traditionalreckoning, he unified NorthChina Plain 2697BC. Legends say underhis rule, China powerfulnation stablepolitics advancedculture. Many cultural technologicalinventions hisreign, Chinesewritten language, methods agriculture,music, Chinesecalendar YellowEmperor´s imperial consort, Leozu [Su], firstperson knowhow raisesilkworms makesilk from silkwormcocoon, from which Hanfu woven.Thus ChineseHanfu invented.Because Leizu had provided China beautifulsilk Hanfu,she oftenrevered femaleancestor Chinesepeople, respectfullyaddressed Xianchansince WesternZhou Dynasty. HanfuDue itshistory overwhelmingcultural influence region,Hanfu has significantly shaped traditionalcostumes someAsian countries. Korea Hanbok JapaneseKimono,they have uniquestyle havesome differences from Hanfu.But hadbeen influenced clothingshave common feature: Youren widesleeve. Some people Chinatoday also mistake Hanfu KoreanHanbok JapaneseKimono. Chinese Han Dynasty Element Fashion T-shirts We now combine Hanfu,mainly Jiaoling Youren fashonT-shirts, thus, came out ChineseElement Fashion T-shirts Series, 10 designs firstbatch, more betterlater.汉服英文介绍Hanf refers hepre-17th century traditi onal clothing HanChinese, predominantet hnic gr oup encompassesall traditionalclot hing worn heHan Chi nese ethnic group. histor pre-17th cent ury traditional clot hing heHan Chinese, hepredomi nant ethnic group China.Hanf encompassesall types traditional clothing worn heHan Chi nese et hnic gr oup.